There really is no direct way to pay one credit card bill with another credit card. But, if you want to Pay Your Credit Card Bill With Another Credit Card, you can do it indirectly.
One most important thing, Pay Your Credit Card Bill With Another Credit Card with your own risk. Because it has some negatives also that we discussed latter.
Let's check, How to pay credit card bill with another credit card. There are three ways by which you can use your credit card to pay the bill for another credit card.
1. Through Cash
- Withdraw money from the ATM for the credit card you wish to pay with
- deposit money into your checking account
- pay the amount
If you're going with this method, note that credit card debt is the most expensive debt. In this case it can be heavy on your pocket.
2. Via E-Wallet
Transfer money to the e-wallet with the credit card you wish to pay with.
Use e-wallet to pay the amount Like following best e-wallet platforms you can use:
Cred :
Register on Cred using this link : :
Register on Gpay using this link :
3. Via Balance Transfer
This is another way to pay the bill of one credit card through another. You can transfer your balance to another credit card and pay bills on your other credit card.
Not only this, the interest rate of the second credit card will be lower than that of the previous credit card. Also, there will be an interest free period during which you will not have to pay any interest on the amount.
Negative Points worth noting to Pay Your Credit Card Bill With Another Credit Card:
- Balance transfer usually comes with a fee
- It may slightly affect your credit score
- If you miss a payment, you will be charged interest on the outstanding amount even if the interest free period has not ended
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