Want to know about biography of TV Actress Shamin Mannan?
We are going to show you TV Actress Shamin Mannan biography, religion, Height, net worth, age, husband, instagram, images, family, photos, facebook.
How old is TV Actress Shamin Mannan?
She is 26 years year old. Her birthday is 11th june 1994.How much is TV Actress Shamin Mannan Net worth?
Her net worth is more than a million.Why is TV Actress Shamin Mannan famous?
She is Actor, Model. She won many awards like Indian Telly Award for Best Fresh New Face (Female).Who is TV Actress Shamin Mannan husband ?
Her husband is Atul Kumar (m. 2017).Is TV Actress Shamin Mannan married?
She is not single. Her husband is Atul Kumar (m. 2017).

Birthday date of TV Actress Shamin Mannan is 11th june 1994 at Dibrugarh, Assam, India. She is a very famous Indian Actor, Model. TV Actress Shamin Mannan age is 26 years. Her height is in centimeters- 163 cm in meters- 1.63 m in feet inches- 5' 5”.
After that, we will talk about Her other details. more than a million is a Net Worth earned by her. She took an education at B-tech Dropouts. She got many awards like Indian Telly Award for Best Fresh New Face (Female).
Her husband(spouse) is Atul Kumar (m. 2017). In addition, See more Info like TV Actress Shamin Mannan biography, religion, Height, net worth, age, husband, instagram, images, family, photos, facebook.
More About her
TV Actress Shamin Mannan Age, Birthday Details :

She born at Dibrugarh, Assam, India. Her birthday date is 11th june 1994. Her age is 26 years at a post published(2020).
TV Actress Shamin Mannan Biography :

She completed Her education at B-tech Dropouts. Her height is in centimeters- 163 cm in meters- 1.63 m in feet inches- 5' 5”. Her profession is Actor, Model. Her net worth is more than a million at post time(2020). Her spouse is Atul Kumar (m. 2017). She got an awards like Indian Telly Award for Best Fresh New Face (Female).
TV Actress Shamin Mannan Net Worth :

Her net worth is more than a million at post time(2020). Please note that This is approx idea about income of Her. It can be change every month/year.
TV Actress Shamin Mannan husband :

Her husband name is Atul Kumar (m. 2017).
TV Actress Shamin Mannan height :
Her height is in centimeters- 163 cm in meters- 1.63 m in feet inches- 5' 5”.
Above all information that we provided was based on many other sources available on internet. All informations are based on other sources. In other words, All info is only for entertainment purpose.

Name | tv actress shamin mannan |
Birthday | 11th june 1994 |
AGE | 26 years |
Height | in centimeters- 163 cm in meters- 1.63 m in feet inches- 5' 5” |
Birthplace | Dibrugarh, Assam, India |
Profession | Actor, Model |
Net Worth | more than a million |
Spouse | Atul Kumar (m. 2017) |
Education | B-tech Dropouts |
Awards | Indian Telly Award for Best Fresh New Face (Female) |
Nationality | Indian |
Wikipedia | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shamin_Mannan |
https://www.facebook.com/Shamin-mannan-150325718459496/ | |
https://twitter.com/shamimmannan?lang=en | |
https://www.instagram.com/iamshamin/ | |
IMDB | https://www.imdb.com/name/nm7667342/ |
Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJR_eAOXMTZ0Bzcts-jdPSA |

Shamin worked in many TV commercials for famous brands such as Dabur Gulabari Rose Water, Sony Ericson, Polycrol syrup, and McDonald's. She was most appreciated for Colors TV's Sanskaar - Dharohar Apno Ki as female lead character Bhoomi. Nominations: Indian Telly Award for Best Fresh New Face (Female).
For More Shayari, Jokes, Thoughts, Knowledge : https://invisiblebaba.com/tv-celebrity-updates/tv-serial-actress-biography/shamin-mannan-religion-height-net-worth-age-husband/
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