Birthday date of Usha Uthup is 8th November 1947 at Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. She is a very famous Indian Singer, playback singer, actor. Usha Uthup age is 72 years. Her height is 1.7 m.
After that, we will talk about Her other details. $1 Million - $5 Million is a Net Worth earned by her. She took an education at St. Agnes' High School. She got many awards like Padma Shri, Playback Singer, Best Audio Album, Female Vocalist of The Year, Lifetime Achievement Award, Best Character actress and many more.
Her husband(spouse) is Jani Chacko Uthup. She is living at Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
In addition, See more Info like Usha Uthup song, age, husband, singer, biography, family, daughter, net worth, bindi, birthday, height, awards, wiki, instagram, twitter, imdb, youtube, facebook, website.
More About her
Usha Uthup Age, Birthday Details :
She born at Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Her birthday date is 8th November 1947. Her age is 72 years at a post published(2019).
Usha Uthup Biography :
She completed Her education at St. Agnes' High School. Her height is 1.7 m. Her profession is Singer, playback singer, actor. Her net worth is $1 Million - $5 Million at post time(2019). Her spouse is Jani Chacko Uthup. She got an awards like Padma Shri, Playback Singer, Best Audio Album, Female Vocalist of The Year, Lifetime Achievement Award, Best Character actress and many more. Her residence is at Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Usha Uthup Net Worth :
Her net worth is $1 Million - $5 Million at post time(2019). Please note that This is approx idea about income of Her. It can be change every month/year.
Usha Uthup husband :
Her husband name is Jani Chacko Uthup.
Usha Uthup height :
Her height is 1.7 m.
Above all information that we provided was based on many other sources available on internet. All informations are based on other sources. In other words, All info is only for entertinement purpose.
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Name | usha uthup |
Birthday | 8th November 1947 |
AGE | 72 years |
Height | 1.7 m |
Birthplace | Mumbai, Maharashtra, India |
Profession | Singer, playback singer, actor |
Net Worth | $1 Million - $5 Million |
Spouse | Jani Chacko Uthup |
Education | St. Agnes' High School |
Awards | Padma Shri, Playback Singer, Best Audio Album, Female Vocalist of The Year, Lifetime Achievement Award, Best Character actress and many more |
Nationality | Indian |
Residence | Mumbai, Maharashtra, India |
Website | http://www.ushauthup.com/ |
Wikipedia | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usha_Uthup |
https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Artist/Usha-Uthup-345974642547435/ | |
https://twitter.com/usha_didi | |
https://www.instagram.com/singerushauthup/ | |
IMDB | https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0412683/ |
Youtube | Not available |

She recorded her first album with Luis Banks for which she was paid Rs. 3500. Since then, she has recorded numerous albums. Usha's Hindi version of Michael Jackson's "Don't Stop Til You Get Enough", titled "Chhupke Kaon Aya", can be found on the album Tom Middleton – The Trip (2004).
A cover of Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive" is on another Tom Middleton album, Cosmosonica – Tom Middleton Presents Crazy Covers Vol. 1 (2005). She recorded a song called "Rhythm and Blues" with the Indian rock band Parikrama which appeared on Channel V on 23 April 2007.
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