Birthday date of kavya madhavan is 19th September 1984 at Nileshwar, Kasaragod, Kerala, India. She is a very famous Indian Film actress, dancer, singer, lyricist. kavya madhavan age is 34 years. Her height is 1.63 m. Rs. 85 Lakh Indian Rupees (approx) is a Net Worth earned by her. She took an education at Graduate. She got many awards like Best Actress, Malayalam Actress Award, Special Appreciation Award, Special Jury Award Actress, Best Star Pair and many more . Her husband(spouse) is Nischal Chandra (m. 2009–2011), Dileep (m. 2016). She is living at Aluva, Kochi, Kerala.
See more Info like kavya madhavan date of birth, baby, family, marriage, biography, husband, daughter, age, images(photos), height, wiki, marriage, net worth, facebook, instagram, twitter, awards, imdb,youtube.
More About her
kavya madhavan Age, Birthday Details :
She born at Nileshwar, Kasaragod, Kerala, India. Her birthday date is 19th September 1984. Her age is 34 years at a post published(2019).
kavya madhavan Biography :
She completed Her education at Graduate. Her height is 1.63 m. Her profession is Film actress, dancer, singer, lyricist. Her net worth is Rs. 85 Lakh Indian Rupees (approx) at post time(2019). Her spouse is Nischal Chandra (m. 2009–2011), Dileep (m. 2016). She got an awards like Best Actress, Malayalam Actress Award, Special Appreciation Award, Special Jury Award Actress, Best Star Pair and many more . Her residence is at Aluva, Kochi, Kerala.
kavya madhavan Net Worth :
She net worth is Rs. 85 Lakh Indian Rupees (approx) at post time(2019). Please note that This is approx idea about income of She. It can be change every month/year.
kavya madhavan husband :
Her husband name is Nischal Chandra (m. 2009–2011), Dileep (m. 2016).
kavya madhavan height :
Her height is 1.63 m.
<img src="https://invisiblebaba.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/kavya-madhavan-date-of-birth-baby-family-marriage-biography-husband-daughter-age-imagesphotos-height-wiki-marriage-net-worth-facebook-instagram-twitter-awards-imdb-youtube-3-1.jpg" alt="Kavya Madhavan Date Of Birth, Baby, Family, Marriage, Biography, Husband, Daughter, Age, Images(photos), Height, Wiki, Marriage, Net Worth, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Awards, Imdb, Youtube (3) (1) class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-13666" />
Name | kavya madhavan |
Birthday | 19th September 1984 |
AGE | 34 years |
Height | 1.63 m |
Birthplace | Nileshwar, Kasaragod, Kerala, India |
Profession | Film actress, dancer, singer, lyricist |
Net Worth | Rs. 85 Lakh Indian Rupees (approx) |
Spouse | Nischal Chandra (m. 2009–2011), Dileep (m. 2016) |
Education | Graduate |
Awards | Best Actress, Malayalam Actress Award, Special Appreciation Award, Special Jury Award Actress, Best Star Pair and many more |
Nationality | Indian |
Residence | Aluva, Kochi, Kerala |
Website | Not known |
Wikipedia | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kavya_Madhavan |
https://www.facebook.com/KavyaMadhavan/ | |
https://twitter.com/imkavya?lang=en | |
Not available | |
IMDB | https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0534858/ |
Youtube | Not available |
<img src="https://invisiblebaba.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/kavya-madhavan-date-of-birth-baby-family-marriage-biography-husband-daughter-age-imagesphotos-height-wiki-marriage-net-worth-facebook-instagram-twitter-awards-imdb-youtube-2-1.jpg" alt="Kavya Madhavan Date Of Birth, Baby, Family, Marriage, Biography, Husband, Daughter, Age, Images(photos), Height, Wiki, Marriage, Net Worth, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Awards, Imdb, Youtube (2) (1) class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-13667" />
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