Delnaaz Irani Biography :
Birthday date of Delnaaz Irani is 4th September 1972 at Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. She is a very famous Indian Actress. Delnaaz Irani age is 46 years. Her height is 1.57 m. $100K-1M (Approx.) is a Net Worth earned by her. She took an education at J.B.Vachha High School, Mumbai,Jai Hind College, Pune. Her husband(spouse) is Rajeev Paul (m. 1998–2012). She is living at Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
See more Info like Delnaaz Irani biography, husband, age, height, birthday, height, net worth, wiki, instagram, images(photos), twitter, imdb, facebook.
More About her
Delnaaz Irani Age, Birthday Details :
She born at Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Her birthday date is 4th September 1972 . Delnaaz Irani age is 46 years at a post published(2019).
Delnaaz Irani Biography :
She completed Her education at J.B.Vachha High School, Mumbai,Jai Hind College, Pune. Her height is 1.57 m. Her profession is Actress. Her net worth is $100K-1M (Approx.) at post time(2019). Her spouse is Rajeev Paul (m. 1998–2012). Her residence is at Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Delnaaz Irani Net Worth :
She net worth is $100K-1M (Approx.) at post time(2019). Please note that This is approx idea about income of She. It can be change every month/year.
Delnaaz Irani husband :
Her husband name is Rajeev Paul (m. 1998–2012).
Delnaaz Irani height :
Her height is 1.57 m.
Name | Delnaaz Irani |
Birthday | 4th September 1972 |
AGE | 46 years |
Height | 1.57 m |
Birthplace | Mumbai, Maharashtra, India |
Profession | Actress |
Delnaaz Irani Net Worth | $100K-1M (Approx.) |
Spouse | Rajeev Paul (m. 1998–2012) |
Education | J.B.Vachha High School, Mumbai,Jai Hind College, Pune |
Nationality | Indian |
Residence | Mumbai, Maharashtra, India |
Wikipedia | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delnaaz_Irani |
https://www.facebook.com/ImDelnaaz/ | |
https://twitter.com/iamdelnazzirani | |
https://www.instagram.com/officialdelnaazirani/ | |
IMDB | https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1450924/ |
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