
Amala Akkineni date of birth, age, son, biography, height, family, net worth, parents, wiki, twitter, images(photos), instagram, imdb, facebook

Amala Akkineni date of birth, age, son, biography, height, family, net worth, parents, wiki, twitter, images(photos), instagram, imdb, facebook
Birthday date of Amala Akkineni is 12th September 1967 at Kolkata, West Bengal, India. She is a very famous Indian Actress, Social Activist. Amala Akkineni age is 52 years. Her height is 1.62 m. $50 million is a Net Worth earned by her. She took an education at Kalakshetra Foundation. She got many awards like Best Actress - Malayalam, Best Supporting Actress – Telugu and many more. Her husband(spouse) is Akkineni Nagarjuna (m. 1992). She is living at Abids, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.

See more Info like Amala Akkineni date of birth, age, son, biography, height, family, net worth, parents, wiki, twitter, images(photos), instagram, imdb, facebook.

More About her

Amala Akkineni Age, Birthday Details :

She born at Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Her birthday date is 12th September 1967. Her age is 52 years at a post published(2019).

Amala Akkineni Biography :

She completed Her education at Kalakshetra Foundation. Her height is 1.62 m. Her profession is Actress, Social Activist. Her net worth is $50 million at post time(2019). Her spouse is Akkineni Nagarjuna (m. 1992). She got an awards like Best Actress - Malayalam, Best Supporting Actress – Telugu and many more. Her residence is at Abids, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.

Amala Akkineni Net Worth :

She net worth is $50 million at post time(2019). Please note that This is approx idea about income of She. It can be change every month/year.

Amala Akkineni husband :

Her husband name is Akkineni Nagarjuna (m. 1992).

Amala Akkineni height :

Her height is 1.62 m.

Amala Akkineni Date Of Birth, Age, Son, Biography, Height, Family, Net Worth, Parents, Wiki, Twitter, Images(photos), Instagram, Imdb, Facebook (2)


Amala Akkineni

Birthday 12th September 1967
AGE52 years
Height 1.62 m
BirthplaceKolkata, West Bengal, India
ProfessionActress, Social Activist
Net Worth$50 million
Spouse Akkineni Nagarjuna (m. 1992)
EducationKalakshetra Foundation
Awards Best Actress - Malayalam, Best Supporting Actress – Telugu and many more
ResidenceAbids, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amala_Akkineni
Facebook Not avilable
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/akkineniamala/
IMDB https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0023839/

Amala Akkineni Date Of Birth, Age, Son, Biography, Height, Family, Net Worth, Parents, Wiki, Twitter, Images(photos), Instagram, Imdb, Facebook (3) (1)
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