
Nag Panchami kab hai (नाग पंचमी) | Nag Panchami Information, Nag Panchami Date 2019

Nag Panchami kab hai (नाग पंचमी) | Nag Panchami Information, Nag Panchami Date 2019

Nag Panchami kab hai (नाग पंचमी) | Nag Panchami Information, Nag Panchami Date 2019

Nag Panchami is an Hindu Festival. There are so many important numbers of legends and stories that go with this day why this day is dedicated to snakes and why are they asked. In hindi people asks Nag Panchami kab hai. Please read following Nag Panchami story for Nag Panchami Information.

According to Story, a devastating snake was damaged the flow of Yamuna and it was difficult for the residents of Braj to drink any water. Krishna, as the youthful expression of Master Vishnu, one day satirizes the affection of the ball falling in the stream with Kaliya and in the final proclamations.

Nag Panchami Kab Hai (नाग पंचमी), Nag Panchami Information, Nag Panchami Date 2019, Nag Panchami Story, Nag Panchami Date 2018

All the poisons are separated from the stream of kalia and consequently, Krishna gives them the assurance that upon the arrival of Panchami, who will offer milk and love to snakes. He will settle any endurance in the coming time. In this way, this day has been appreciated as the day of NagPanchami.

Nag Panchami Date 2019 is 5 August on Monday. Nag Panchami is the traditional worship of snakes or serpents throughout India, Nepal and other countries where Hindu followers live. According to the Hindu calendar, worship is performed on the fifth day of the bright half of the moon month of Shravan (July / August).

It is believed that the habitat of snakes is patrola, (the Seven Locations of the Universe below the Earth), and the least of them is also called Nag-Loka, in the area of ​​Nags, as part of the Creation Power and their The blessings are sought for the welfare of the family. Snake god made of silver, stone or wood, or a picture of snakes on the wall is bathe with milk and then reverts.

Nag Panchami Kab Hai (नाग पंचमी), Nag Panchami Information, Nag Panchami Date 2019

According to the Hindu Puranic literature, the son of Lord Brahma, Kashyap, the Creator composed the Kadru, which was of the Naga caste of the paternal people and gave birth to the Nagas; The first wife of the other three gave birth to the gods, the second Garuda and the fourth monster to the other.

In the Mahabharata epic story, Aastha, Brahmin's son, Jaratkas, who has been the ruler of the Kuru empire, which runs for 12 years, has been well documented. In order to take revenge of the death of his father tested by snake bite of the King of snakes, this yagya was done by Jainmayya to stop the race of all snakes.
On the day the Yajna (fire sacrifice) was stopped due to Astika's intervention, it was on Shukla Paksha Panchami of Shravan month when the Takshak, the King of Snakes and the remaining of his race were rescued from decay. By Sarpa Sat Yagna Since that day, the festival is celebrated as a Nag Panchami.
For More Shayari, Jokes, Thoughts, Knowledge : http://bit.ly/2ZidkTK

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